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Here are the clues. Preceding each clue is the number of letters in the answer.
Clue 1: 7 letters. A minute tube which carries gases to various insect organs
Clue 2: 6 letters. A piercing mouthpart
Clue 3: 4 letters. The third stage of metamorphosis for butterflies
Clue 4: 5 letters. A young insect
Clue 5: 15 letters. Reproduction via eggs without the need for fertilization
Clue 6: 11 letters. The external and hardened plates of an insect’s body wall
Clue 7: 7 letters. The entire nerve cell
Clue 8: 6 letters. A locally isolated population; social insects
Clue 9: 11 letters. An eye consisting of many elements
Clue 10: 7 letters. The outer noncellular layers of the insect integument created by the epidermis
Clue 11: 6 letters. The cast-off outer skin of an insect
Clue 12: 7 letters. The anterior part of the alimentary canal running from the mouth to the midgut
Clue 13: 4 letters. A thick-bodied larva
Clue 14: 7 letters. A class of the phylum Arhtropoda
Clue 15: 8 letters. The jaw of an insect used for biting and chewing
Clue 16: 5 letters. An aquatic and gilled nymph, an immature stage of aquatic hemmimetabolous insects
Clue 17: 7 letters. A worker insect in a subcaste dealing with colony defense
Clue 18: 10 letters. Swimming (insects)
Clue 19: 9 letters. Used for digging
This is a digital crossword puzzle of insect terminology.