The Phase 1 Workflow...Leading to Phase 2 and Onward

A Workflow...through the Present: The following consists of a workflow of the accomplished work, with some residual work that still needs to be done especially on Steps 5 and 6. However, it's not too soon to consider what next phases of this project would entail. This workflow has been offered to give participants a sense of the work that has occurred so far.




An Interactive Project Timeline

The following timeline highlights some of the main work that has been achieved so far.

 Hyperlink to Timeline Activity 


The Project's (Instructional Design) Backstory

This audio snippet addresses the instructional design experience behind the creation of this initial Digital Entomology Lab. Some real-world challenges of the lack-of-funding and misunderstandings of the needs of a project are addressed here. Another point made is that the human imagination has to be engaged in part before new work may be actualized, especially given the time and effort investment needed. This is offered in the spirit of transparency for participatory designers and of inclusiveness.

 Link to Audio File (.mp3 version)

Transcript (.docx)

Transcript (.pdf)


[Note: The original book review of Drs. Dietmar Kennepohl and Lawton Shaw's "Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance," which ran in The American Journal of Distance Education in December 2010, is available at The DOI (digital object identifier) is 10.1080/08923647.2010.519944. Dr. Zane Berge deserves thanks for paving the way to the publication of that review.]


NEXT: View the current achievements of the Digital Entomology Lab and some initial design ideas. (Click "next page" below, or click the proper page number above.)