Where in the World is Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi?


Mr. Newsian "Tasks" You...


(Zachary J. Caby as Mr. Newsian, of the World United News Agency)

Directions: Please click on the above image to acquire the message from Mr. Newsian...to start the game.

Game Instructions

The World United News Agency has sent their ace reporter Nina Novus to find world-renowned global health expert Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi so as to do an exclusive video interview. Your mission is to help reporter Nina Novus by going through the info reading and watch her news updates. After figuring out the clues provided, you must help Nina Novus navigate the world to find out Where in the World Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi could be.



Game Section Introduction


The higher education game created for global health is called "Where in the World is Dr. Salus 'Dynamica' Mundi?" It was created by the Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC) and Office of Mediated Education (OME) at Kansas State University in coordination with Dr. Deborah J. Briggs. This was created in mid-to-late 2011 for the purposes of providing a fun and engaging way for people to learn about various aspects of global health. This game is provided below for you to interact with and experience so as to gain further insights into the realm of global health in a more personable way than purely through lecture/reading.

After the game, this article will describe in greater detail the thought process that went into the game's development (game creation and workflow), and presentation (media selection, production, interactivity, and assessment).


-- Brent A. Anders



Where in the World is Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi?


 The International: The First Sighting


Nina Novus first becomes aware of Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi (Dr. Global "Dynamic" Health) when she publishes a work on international conferences, and Novus becomes aware that she could be on to the scoop-of-her-career...




The Importance of International Conferences for Global Health

By Dr. Salus "Dynamica" Mundi


Why should we have international conferences for global health and why should attending these conferences be an important priority for a professional in the global health field? The answer is in the question; it is the professional thing to do. Professionals belong to professional organizations, are continually learning and are seeking new ways to improve the state of global health.


The benefits of attending international conferences are many, with long lasting and powerful effects:



Many of these conferences are not only informational presentations but also incorporate workshops on how to accomplish or use new systems, techniques, or technologies. Simply hearing a presentation on how one practitioner solved a global health issue in one part of the world could cause attendees to see different approaches of handling a similar situation in their part of the world. New answers (as well as problems) are constantly emerging throughout the world. As professionals it is important to continually learn so as to stay abreast of situations around the world. Very few global health issues remain isolated in that the world is much smaller place due to ever changing politics, improved transportation, and globalization of trade.


Networking and Partnerships

A long lasting and far-reaching effect of international conferences is that of being able to network and establish partnerships.   The excitement and energy of a gathering of like-minded professionals, all passionate about global health, naturally leads to enhanced communications and interactions. Being able to make contacts all over the world can be a priceless asset when conducting research or seeking guidance dealing with situations that have already occurred in other parts of the world. Being able to partner with other professionals on projects can also vastly cut costs (or provide funding itself) as well as save time and provide large benefits from having multiple points of view so as to enhance the overall approach. The friendships, camaraderie, and bonds are also very empowering and often give professionals a new zeal and drive to maximize their efforts and improving global health.


World View

Some professionals get so focused on their particular expertise that they lose sight of the larger picture of global health. I forget that many events and situations have a domino effect that starts in one small village and travels around the world through billions of people and comes back to the starting point. We are all connected and sometimes attending an international conference helps to remind everyone how we are all interconnected. Presenting ones findings as well as hearing others views and their finding helps to broaden everyone's understanding and world view.


Professional Opportunity

The only way to improve ones presentation skills is to present. International conferences offer a perfect venue for presenting one's latest research, starting a discussion on a particular situation or concern, or countering a proposed approach on a global health issue. Additionally making a presence at these international conference aids in one's own "branding" and recognition. People start to notice those professionals who attend and present and are making an impact on global health.


Cultural Exchange

Exposure to people from all over the world and multiple cultures greatly enhances our professional understanding of global health dynamics. Understanding the differences in languages, cultural norms, religious practices, political structures, mannerisms, and general beliefs, can have vast implications and could determine how well a global health program does in a particular part of the world. Learning about these differences among us via text and video is one thing, but actually being able to interact with someone from that country/culture is a much greater and salient experience. Seemingly small details such as how to properly greet someone, what clothing to wear, interactions between men and women and so on can in fact have a huge impacts on ones ability to get things done and be successful with global health missions in different countries/cultures.


Although attending international conferences on global health does require financing and time allocation, the benefits vastly outweigh the costs. It is strongly recommending that all professionals in the global health field make to time attend, learn, contribute and benefit to all that these international conferences have to offer.


Some Resources

Resources dealing with international conference on global health can be found at:


Global Health Education Consortium: Global Health Conference

Held in a different part of the world every year, example: Czech Republic, Canada, Dominican Republic, etc.: www.globalhealtheducation.org/events/Pages/default.aspx  


Global Health Council: International Conference

Held in Washington D.C.: USA



Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research and the Norwegian Medical Association`s Conference (Den Norske Legeforening)

Held in Oslo, Norway



Unite for Site: Global Health and Innovation Conference

Held in Yale University, Connecticut: USA



Royal Society for Public Health International Conference

Held in London, UK





Nina Novus catches her viewers up with her ambitions for catching up with Dr. Mundi for an exclusive interview.


 Link to Video File 


Directions: Play only one of the following videos to the location that you've identified.


The Dominican Republic  

 Link to Video File 


 Link to Video File 


 Link to Video File 


 Link to Video File 


 Link to Video File