- 1. Intro to the Digital Entomology Lab Project
- The Participatory Design of a (Today and) Future Digital Entomology Lab
- Welcome, All!
- Phase 1: Capturing the Insect Imagery
- A Brief Overview of the Project
- Digital Entomology Lab Objectives
- Basic Camera Angles...of a Leaf-Footed Bug
- Some Other Macro Photography Basics
- An Eye for Details
- A Few Insect Factoids
- What Insect is This?
- 2. Phase 1: Workflow, Timeline, and Backstory
- The Phase 1 Workflow...Leading to Phase 2 and Onward
- An Interactive Project Timeline
- The Project's (Instructional Design) Backstory
- 3. The Current State of Construction...and Next Steps
- The Current State of Construction...and Vague Next-Steps
- Some Extant Design Questions
- Some Early Digital Entomology Lab Design Ideas
- 4. General Entomology, Gene Research, Insect Stings, and International Travels
- General Entomology, Gene Research, Insect Stings, and International Travels: Dr. C. Michael Smith's Vision
- An Introductory Lecture
- 5. An Exploratory Space about Insects
- An Insect Exploratory
- Priming the Participatory Designers of the Future Digital Entomology Lab
- A Word Search of Common Insect Names
- An Entomology Crossword
- 6. Some Digital Insect Jigsaw Puzzles
- Some Insect Digital Jigsaw Puzzles
- Mystery Insect #1
- Mystery Insect #2
- Mystery Insect #3
- 7. Acquiring the Insects
- Using Killing Jars and Steps to Pinning an Insect
- Using "Killing Jars" for Insect Collection
- Steps to Pinning an Insect
- Pinning an Insect
- 8. Insect Structure and Function
- Some Morphological Aspects of Insects
- Some Insect Morphological Terms
- A 44-Step "Dichotomous Key" for Insect Identification
- An Open-Source Insect Morphology Image
- 9. Participatory Design--Close-In Design Questions
- Phase 2: Participatory Design
- 1. Close-In Design Questions
- 1a. Branding: The Site's Identity, Atmospherics, and "Look and Feel"
- 1b. Designing Functionalities for Users: Possible "Use Cases"
- 1c. Replenishing Digital Contents
- 10. Participatory Design--Ambitious (Far-Out) Design Questions
- 2. More Ambitious (Far-Out) Design Questions
- Differentiating between Formal, Non-Formal, and Informal Learning
- 2a. Nonformal Design ... Informal Design
- 2b. Designing for K-12? Pre-K?
- 2c. Design for Integration with Other Digital Repositories? Digital Libraries?
- An Invitation to a Virtual Participatory Design "Party"
- 11. On to Phases 2...3, Evaluating Proposed Design Ideas, and Conclusion
- On to Phases 2...3...
- Defining the "Realm of the Possible" in Instructional Design
- Evaluating Proposed Design Ideas
- A Cost-Benefit Analysis
- A Stakeholder Approach
- Design Evolutions
- A Suggested Reading: "Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance" (2010)
- Conclusion
- The Original Inspiration
- The Future of Your Ideas!
- Checking Back
- Some Anticipated Challenges
- Acknowledgments and Thanks!
- Some Techno Notes